What a week
what a year
what a country
and what a Man - Tun Mahathir 93 years old.
This must be the proudest moment of our life, we brought down a Party that rules Malaysia for 60 years. All this time along , BN won majority seats in Parliment but in GE 2018 , they lost big time to Pakatan Harapan ( HOPE) .
Results disclosed by the country’s Election Commission showed that the opposition Pakatan Harapan (PH) coalition had surpassed the 112 of the 222 seats required in parliament with 121 seats, giving it an effective simple majority, with BN winning just 79 seats.
D facto here is Mahathir. His name alone used to bring a shiver to the oppositions, now he is their mentor, like Moses brought the Jews cross the dead sea. Anwar was the man initiate the fire in youth through his reformasi , but Mahathir turns it into real success.
While Anwar was a fighter, turn ice into fire but Mahathir is a political master, turn something impossible into reality. Who would ever have the slightest idea that one day all the man he put in prison will choose him again to be their boss, Mat Sabu, Lim Guen Eng, Lim Kit Siang and especially Anwar Ibrahim.
This man is only one in 6 billion.
Wellcome to New Malaysia - I am proud to introduce our Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammad.

what a year
what a country
and what a Man - Tun Mahathir 93 years old.
This must be the proudest moment of our life, we brought down a Party that rules Malaysia for 60 years. All this time along , BN won majority seats in Parliment but in GE 2018 , they lost big time to Pakatan Harapan ( HOPE) .
Results disclosed by the country’s Election Commission showed that the opposition Pakatan Harapan (PH) coalition had surpassed the 112 of the 222 seats required in parliament with 121 seats, giving it an effective simple majority, with BN winning just 79 seats.
D facto here is Mahathir. His name alone used to bring a shiver to the oppositions, now he is their mentor, like Moses brought the Jews cross the dead sea. Anwar was the man initiate the fire in youth through his reformasi , but Mahathir turns it into real success.
While Anwar was a fighter, turn ice into fire but Mahathir is a political master, turn something impossible into reality. Who would ever have the slightest idea that one day all the man he put in prison will choose him again to be their boss, Mat Sabu, Lim Guen Eng, Lim Kit Siang and especially Anwar Ibrahim.
This man is only one in 6 billion.
Wellcome to New Malaysia - I am proud to introduce our Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammad.

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