Wednesday 4 January 2017

Happy New Year - Welcome 2017

we wish for a better world. We wish America, Israel, Russia and UN stop bombing Syria, Iraq, Chechnya etc etc.
We wish UN, OIC, World peace , can stop all this lunatic leader to stop bombing countries that dont belong to them.
in fact they should stop using military to solve problems.

We wish humankind come to their sense that we don't own this world, we were in long term leasing contract, and one day we going somewhere else. We going to leave this world for another world. We are in long journey from womb of our mother ,  to stay for a while on this earth, before we going to world of death. and we will be raise again into world of judgement and after we'll be awarded with hell or heaven , which there we will stay permanently. So, OOO mankind please do good deed to one another. And God will bless you with goodness.

It is really a heart breaking to watch military bomb destroy a city, an heritage , a modernization of 2000 years. and what more to say, when seeing children become victims of  heartless leader. OOO Obama, OOO Putin, OOOO Netanyahu.. don't you have any heart.. ? don't you have any children..?
dont you have any kindness left in your heart?

i Pray so Allah  change Daes, ISIS and Hezbollah's  hearts  so they protect the children and kill the military. Not the other way round.

And i pray, Allah protect us from become ignorances.

Best wishes to my reader. 

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